Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Quote of the Day: Happiness is not derived without problems, it occurs in spite of problems.

made some changes to the colours of the poll and tagboard to better suit the CNY tat's coming up... red and orange... New Poll is up and running too...

changed the backgrd music also... initially wanted to put 周杰伦 - 霍元甲 as the backgrd, but this song is ripped from radio and the quality is lacking... then i went in search for this song i heard over radio... sounds nice and have meaningful lyrics... its 有机 by 李吉汉... he's a malaysian idol if i'm not wrong...released his same name album in late november last year... another was 林志炫 - 走了.. but can't find the song available...

有机 - 李吉汉
要如何切身而退 爱一个人几宗罪
离婚外遇劈腿 爱情太无悔

谁的一个吻忽然谁的罪 谁依然像出生一样完美

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一回也不受伤害
就让心底的话留住最初样子 自然的盛开

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一回也不受伤害
就让心底的爱情线不必灌溉 与生俱来

爱过的无言以对 分一次手更可悲
临别还要对嘴 虚伪的自卑

流浪城市中爱与恨流转 注意你却非要一尘不染

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一回也不受伤害
就让心底的话留住最初样子 自然的盛开

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一回也不受伤害
就让心底的爱情线不必灌溉 与生俱来

哪里去寻找有机的爱 多爱一回而无害
仿佛心底纯真如昔那个小孩 活过来 我期待

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