Saturday, October 31, 2009

3 phones to choose, which will it be?

First we have the Samsung Omnia 2... the phone has function i want but also comes with its hefty price tag... recontract with M1 will still need me to part with ard $498... but the phone is cool though... running using WM6.5, got 5mp camera, 3.7" AMOLED screen...

Next up is the HTC Touch2, which recently debut a few weeks ago... it too comes with WM6.5, 3.5mm earphone... though there's no radio.. it comes at the price of $338

Lastly... the latest.. HTC Tattoo... it doesn't boost a huge screen like Omnia 2 but still does pack a punch with all the usual features... it comes cheap too... at $198 now... maybe it promo price... coz its retail price is more than Touch2...

haiz... which to buy? where to get the money...?

Friday, October 30, 2009

monthly updates: October 09

Dinner with the guys and gals at Aston @ Suntec in september..

My Cousin's wedding, my niece doing some introduction and video conference with our aunt oversea...

Company's Annual bowling event last friday at CSC. Managed 32nd placing among the guys out of 61.. was using a heavier 11 lbs ball rather than my usual ball 10 lbs. averaged 110 from 3 games... still maintaining my above average 100s game each time... haha...

Finally get to donate blood again after 2 years... why? coz i was denied becoz of ops on my shoulder last year... so went to donate while accompany my mum go SGH... It was a rather quick affair... as usual...

Was at Plaza Singapura for a walk when me and michelle came across a live filming.. for what upcoming drama we do not know, but the director was previously an actor, experienced... we only saw 2 familiar actors one is the pink shirt guy, the other was tang yu shu(whom was watching the filming at one corner, presumebly waiting for his scene)... the main actress we can't figure out who she is, maybe someone new...

And we saw Momo again... this time is 7 different colors... so cute... too bad its only for display... recently just bought a Giant Momo at 'More Than Words'... its so huge... sized like a small kid... If any of you sees any collection of Momo plush/PostPets soft toy, please info me... thanks... right now there's only 2 known places selling, the main shop at IMM and PS, and the toy catching machines at marina square...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mooncake Festival


DUrian mooncake... anyone?
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Staying strong . Together

Come this saturday
Friends will gather
Heavy on hearts

Memories flashing back
Tears will flow

Leaving out all the rest
We'll always remember
for who you are
the smile you always wear
and how much you meant to us

So long my friend
May peace be with you


Tuesday, September 08, 2009


first reaction was... are u joking... this kind of thing cannot joke de leh...

but then the sad feeling starts to sink in... and realising it is lost...

It happened too sudden, it happened too early...

thought-less, emotion-less... eyes wet... but tears won't drop...

No comments for now, until the details are out...

Monday, July 13, 2009

I Broke my Coin Bank!!!

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I accidentally broke my coin bank just now... spent quite a while just now to simply glued it back to shape.. but i think its still heading for rubbish bin in the future... sad...

Started my temp work last wed... so far every single day will come across new job scope to learn... but today morning was pretty slack... basically i do my own thing(but still checking work stuff) until lunch time... after lunch was quite hands tied to work... but time pass faster also.. no need to keep acting busy.. haha...

last week on the way to work saw rainbow... but the bus was travelling and surrounding wasn't clear enough to take a pic...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Understanding of my NAME

否极泰来 ( pǐ jí tài lái )

  解 释 :否、泰:《周易》中的两个卦名。否:卦不顺利;泰:卦顺利;极:尽头。逆境达到极点,就会向顺境转化。指坏运到了尽头好运就来了。
  出 处 :《全唐诗》卷434_42【遣怀】白居易
  用 法 紧缩式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义
  示 例 老舍《四世同堂》五四:“莫非~,要转好运幺?”
  近义词 :
  反义词 :

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dinner at Far East PLaza


The wanton lacks crispiness and crunch...
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Dinner at NYDC holland V


the pizza michelle ordered tasted great...!
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

JJC s25 Steamboat Gathering

Sorry sweety for not bring u along and informing u so late... sorry for making u angry...